Leading scorer on a Knicks team? I’m not sure about that… But 16 points, 2 blocks and actually, for one game at least, a leading scorer: NOT BAD! Actually, Maciej started out strong, very strong; I know it’s pre-season, but still.
Hopefully, he’ll get his minutes in a regular season. I’m starting to be a believer in that he’ll be a good NBA-player. I’ll probably go see him vs NJ Nets soon.
Niezly poczatek dla Macieja! W swoim pierwszym meczu i takie wyniki! Bardzo dobrze, i oby tak dalej! Chociaz nie jest jeszcze to regularny sezon, to 16 punktow i 2 bloki to bardzo dobrze.
Chyba pojde na mecz w nastepny wtorek jak Knicks beda grac z Nets: chce go zobaczyc z bliska.
10/10 Update: Not bad against NJ Nets: 11 points in 17 minutes. — Keep it up, Maciej.
Hey Maciej, what’s going on? Two bad nights in a row??? Just kidding… He’s just a rookie and has not played in NBA before. Obviously he’s going to have his ups and downs. But, over time (hopefully), he’s going to improve as time progresses.
what happened to vranes why did isiah cut him????????????????????????????
As much as I liked Vranes (he was really a good kid), I could not see him on the court this year or the next. Being this New York, I think it was a good move: it will create roster space and give Slavko a chance to play for somebody else, or move to Europe.
Where can I follow up for more information