I want to improve myself all the time. I want to learn all the time. Do you? I think so (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading my blog). If we all follow these tips, below, the world will be a better place. That’s for sure.
A nice wish, I think. I’m going to keep an eye on these as I go through life. I think these are excellent (some thought provoking) tips.
- If you want your dreams to come true, don’t oversleep.
- The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.
- Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
- The best vitamin for making friends….B1.
- The 10 commandments are not multiple choices.
- The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
- Minds are like parachutes…they function only when open.
- Ideas won’t work unless YOU do.
- One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.
- One who lacks the courage to start has already finished.
- The heaviest thing to carry is a grudge.
- Don’t learn safety rules by accident.
- We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.
- Jumping to conclusions can be bad exercise.
- A turtle makes progress when it sticks its head out.
- One thing you can give and still keep …is your word.
- A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.
- The pursuit of happiness is: the chase of a lifetime!
ReferenceI received these from WisdomTips.com daily email service (good stuff).
I have a hard time at admitting when I am wrong and when I make mistakes. Most of the time, I am able to pass the work loads on to my employees, but because of my lack of an education and the ability to open my mind to realize my personal limitations, I simply spend all my time working to place the blame on someone else.How can I overcome my personal short-comings and fealings of inadaquacy towards others. I have made very small accomlishments in my life and I feel trapped and alone. I have no true friends because of my personality style hidding my inabilities and trying to manuipulate sitations to pass the blame.My life has had no meaning and I know that I have not made a difference in the world and I need to understand how to make myself a better person so that I can contribute to my life, job (as crappy as it is), and personal goals.