After some thinking, I’m going to change my web strategy.
I realized, after reading some good books lately, that I am a Lifelong Learner and that’s what I want to be remembered as. I also realized that my blogs need more focus, more to-the-point. Plus, I feel like a change is needed.
Thus, the first change, I’m going to rename this blog to “Lifelong Learner.” I’m going to concentrate on the “things I learn” and things I want to learn. It’s going to be a learning blog. For that, I’m going to borrow and feed from entries from My Learning Log, which I started writing to everyday before I go to sleep (5-10 mins).
The second change: I’m renaming all of my blogs. I’m going to rename my second, software blog, to “Pragmatic Craftsman.” I think that’s who I am, or at least that’s what I want to be (come). More than anything I want to keep learning, keep getting better. I want to be a learning, pragmatic professional. Maybe I should call it “Learning Craftsman.” Maybe, but that’s too much “learning,” . I registered and that’s the direction I want to go. I’m renaming my investing blog to “Programmer’s Investing Notebook,” and my polish blog (have to practice it so I don’t forget
) to “Polska z Ameryki,” which means “Poland from America.”
Third change is a structural one. One the main page, I’m going to aggregate all of my blogs and show excerpts from the top entries. I think that will enable you to take a “peek” at my other entries and see whether you’re interested in reading it in more detail.
Quite a few changes. More than anything, I feel that’s what I want to do.