How do you grow as a person?
One of the ways is doing new things. We get new ideas (by reading, observing, listening, etc.). We then try to implement them in our own lives. I do this fairly often. For instance, I read that writing your goals everyday (or several times a week) works. I have implemented that and before I go to bed, I try to write (re-write) the list of goals, along with the completion date. This has really helped me focus on the things that I want to do.
A different way of growing is attacking your fears. (This is a more painful way, I must admit.) I have many fears. Even though I try to work on them at a slow pace, I do work on them. However, Scott Young, in his blog entry, A Fear a Day, is trying to work on a single fear every day. That’s very pushy, but I think it might work. I think a fear a week or so might work as well.
The bottom line, continuously working on your fears is a good way to grow yourself. Try it. It’s a lifelong strategy to improve yourself.
ReferenceA Fear a Day, Scott H Young
RelatedScott H Young blog — excellent self-development blog