Can you find the Man’s Head in the picture within 3 seconds?
According to recent medical experiments:
If you can find the Man’s Head within 3 seconds, your right brain is much more highly developed than in normal people.
If you can find the Man’s Head within 1 minute, your right brain is developed normally.
If you can find the Man’s Head within 1-3 minutes, your right brain is slow in reacting……you should eat more meat protein.
If it takes more than 3 minutes for you to find the Man’s Head, your right brain is a disaster . . . . . extremely slow in reacting.
Concorde planes make final flights — Three Concorde planes, the world’s only supersonic airliners, will arrive at Heathrow at around 16:00BST (1500 GMT) after making their final flights on Friday, ending 27 years of supersonic travel.
I guess my dream of flying a Concorde will never happen . Oh, well. Hopefully, a new, super-fast jet will come alive fairly soon.
Yes, that’s right! (I’m sorry to all the ladies out there — just kidding )
9/20/2003: Our Wedding Day — a day that we’re going to remember forever! Everything went well! — seemed to us that everybody (~185 people) had a lot of fun at our ceremony.
Honeymoon??? I know, but I’m working on it. I’d like to either go to Hawaii or, preferably, to Australia (if I can convince Marta ).
So a whole new beginning to my life!
Leading scorer on a Knicks team? I’m not sure about that… But 16 points, 2 blocks and actually, for one game at least, a leading scorer: NOT BAD! Actually, Maciej started out strong, very strong; I know it’s pre-season, but still.
Hopefully, he’ll get his minutes in a regular season. I’m starting to be a believer in that he’ll be a good NBA-player. I’ll probably go see him vs NJ Nets soon.
Niezly poczatek dla Macieja! W swoim pierwszym meczu i takie wyniki! Bardzo dobrze, i oby tak dalej! Chociaz nie jest jeszcze to regularny sezon, to 16 punktow i 2 bloki to bardzo dobrze.
Chyba pojde na mecz w nastepny wtorek jak Knicks beda grac z Nets: chce go zobaczyc z bliska.
Maciej Lampe, 2nd Polish guy in the NBA, signed a contract with the NY Knicks. There has been a lot of coverage about this kid. I said this before, I think this kid will develop into a pretty good player; he’s got what it takes: size, talent, and most of all, determination and attitude. (I like him a lot.)
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2) New York Post Online Edition: sports